The Wavelight Server (WLS) was designed to be the brain of your audio system. It manages your music library, can store your music, it has a dedicated upsampling engine slaved to audio grade clocks and lots of other features. All into a sleek and stylish package, visually matching the Wavelight DA.

The Wavelight audiophile music Server – or the WLS – is your perfect source partner for Wavelight/Wavedream dacs, or just any dac, especially if equipped with a I2S input. In addition the I2S output, USB, AES/EBU, SPDIF, and optical output (Toslink) are available.
Functions and outputs
WLS resolves a few important aspects of a modern audio setup. It virtually eliminates the need for a computer holding your core server; will eliminate the need for a strong CPU to perform PCM to DSD transcoding; and eliminate the need for a storage server. All these features are included into a sleek and stylish package, visually matching the Wavelight DAC.

Internal structure
The WLS combines a few key elements for server-based digital audio playback: a linear power supply, a low TDP computing system running custom Linux, a highly efficient FPGA / DSP system for audio management.
Software and user scenarios
The WLS will manage to transcode between formats on hardware level, without overloading the CPU. Therefore, it’s heat and RFI emissions will stay low, without bad influence on audio circuitry.
The WLS has the ability to let you choose from a variety of server software and audio services including Roon, MPD, LMS and so on. There are many use scenarios, the device can be used as core, or can be used as renderer or endpoint.
Wavelight Server was designed to host your music. From a basic 2TB to a maximum of 16TB of internal storage, it can keep internally thousands of music albums in high-quality, uncompressed format. Additionally, WLS has 3 USB ports, where you can connect external storage, and/or a NAS (Network Attached Storage) can be defined as music source for WLS.
Control interface
The WLS has a powerful control interface that can be accessed via local browser or control app. It allows the owner to manage internal or attached storage, select active software or services, select upsampling or transcoding parameters, select I2S output setting for DAC compatibility, rip cd’s to local drives, enable room correction etc.
WLS is fully upgradable and future-proof. Both operating system with services and FPGA (audio hardware) can be easily updatable via internet.