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Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 highend audio speaker cables 2,4 metre Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 highend audio speaker cables 2,4 metre Fecha del anuncio 21.10.2022
Última actualización 21.10.2022 Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 highend audio speaker cables 2,4 metre
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 highend audio speaker cables 2,4 metre Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 highend audio speaker cables 2,4 metre Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 highend audio speaker cables 2,4 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One pair of Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 high end audio speaker cables in a good condition. Solo Crystal Oval 8 consists of four 11 gauge continuous cast copper (single-crystal copper) conductors used in the proprietary Analysis Plus braided hollow oval geometry. Pure copper cables tend to have a more midrange focus, whereas, silver cables tend to be geared higher with a more high-frequency focus. The midrange is where the body and fullness of the sound are contained and the high frequencies contain the nuance and spatial cues, so the copper cables are perfect for taming high frequencies in systems that are a bit strident. The length is 2,4 metre and they have the original spade connectors. Retail price is 3.000 euro. The original box is included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 1,499 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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