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Audiodesk CD Sound Improver Audiodesksysteme Glass CD Sound Improver Fecha del anuncio 8.03.2024
Última actualización 8.03.2024 Audiodesksysteme Glass CD Sound Improver
Audiodesksysteme Glass CD Sound Improver Audiodesksysteme Glass CD Sound Improver Audiodesksysteme Glass CD Sound Improver Audiodesksysteme Glass CD Sound Improver
Descripción Descripción original Turco, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco




2.00 KGS

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1 unit

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1 unit


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Excellent condition.

This weird device is a small lathe for taking the edge off your CDs.

The machine works to help the laser lens of your CD player accurately focus on the disc. The German manufacturers of the unit state that the laser beams are reflected and light scatters in the disc; if you can focus this light it 'reads' the disc more accurately, employing less error correction and the sound becomes clearer, and more transparent.

The solution? Cutting a 36° bevel on the edge of the disc being treated. An additional process applies a colouring to the bevelled edge to further reduce light scatter. And you know what? It really works! The first thing we noticed was less vibration from the CD transport when discs are playing... and then you notice the sound. Music is more three dimensional and open with greater transparency. Images from DVDs were sharper and clearer, too.

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Emporium HiFi Fecha de registro July 2019
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Precio: 400 GBP Cambios de precio >
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