Rotel power amfi 2x200W 8 ohm
Rotel rb-991
68 views last month, 80 views this month
Posted On
3.10.2023Last Update On
Original Description is in
Turkish, other language texts are translations and can contain errors.
clean power amplifier is idle in the box (not the original box).the only one left that has sold the whole system is the repair etc. I can deliver it around Adana Central Reşatbey Groseri-Yarbaşı Police Station. There is a lot of swap offers coming up, no swapping.
Der saubere Leistungsverstärker befindet sich im Leerlauf in der Verpackung (nicht in der Originalverpackung). Der einzige, der noch übrig ist, der das gesamte System verkauft hat, ist die Reparatur usw. Ich kann es in der Nähe der Polizeistation Adana Central Reşatbey Groseri-Yarbaşı abgeben. Es stehen viele Tauschangebote an, kein Tausch.
temiz power amfi , kutuda(orjinal kutusu değil) boşta duruyor.tüm sistemi sattım tek bu kaldı
tamir vs görmemiştir.
.adana merkez reşatbey groseri- yarbaşı karakolu civarında teslim edebilirim.
Takas teklifleri çok geliyor takas yoktur.