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Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner
Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner
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Posted On 19.07.2023
Last Update On 19.07.2023 Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner
Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 highend audio power conditioner
Description Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschTurkish One Shunyata Research Denali 6000/S V2 high end audio power conditioner in a fantastic condition (the current 230 volts European version). Denali 6000/S V2 is a truly reference power conditioner that set new standards in reference level performance but at a price that every audiophile could afford. It displays no deleterious sonic effects, zero. Denali 6000/S V2 adds measurably improved performance and technology to a design that had already won multiple Product of the Year Awards and raves from every critic that has reviewed it. Design advances within include objectively lowered noise, 6 zones of isolation and superior high-current performance for amps and other high-current electronics on all outlets. It features patented technologies and proprietary components that are unavailable in any other competitive product. Denali 6000/S V2 supplies unrestricted peak current to multiple components while dramatically reducing noise from the power line and intercepting noise from component-to-component interactions, isolating each component in the system. As a result, instrumental lines are more clearly delineated and purer throughout their range. Music sounds more effortless, detailed and dynamic. Serial number is DENV2-E0179. Retail price is 7.500 euro. The original box is included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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