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Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4
Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4
Posted On 21.10.2022
Last Update On 21.10.2022 Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4
Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4 Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4 Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4 Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4 Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 highend audio anti-vibration feet set of 4
Description Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschTurkish One set of four Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 1.5 tuning feet for high end audio in a very good condition. On the top of them you will see signs of use in the very soft paper-like material which is quit normal with these. They are the biggest version, 41mm in height. Retail price is 3.180 euro, now for 1.899 euro for the set of four. The original boxes are included. If you need more of them, we have 20 pieces in stock, so let us know. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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