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The Radio Craftsmen C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen
The Radio Craftsmen C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen
Posted On 14.09.2022
Last Update On 14.09.2022 The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen
The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen The Radio Craftsmen  C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen
Description Original Description is in German, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschTurkish

Interessenten, die sich für dieses Angebot interessieren, wissen um welch heiligen Gral aus 1952 von Sid Smith es sich hier handelt. Die KT-66 Trioden Class A - Schaltung mit mächtigem Output - Transformern a la Western Electrics entfachen ein farbenfrohes dreidimensionales Klangbild mit Suchtfaktor in Ihren Hörraum, welches seinesgleichen sucht!  

Die Radio Craftsmen C 500 Trioden Röhren Mono Endstufen leisten impulsive 10W und klingen insbesondere an hochwertigen Breitbändern und Hornsystemen sensationell.

Optisch wie auch technisch top erhalten! ( 70 Jahre )

Europaversion mit 220V.

Absolute Rarität.

This is (one of) the best sounding vintage tube amps ever. Designed in 1952 by Sid Smith ( later Marantz chief designer of Model 7, 8, 9). The 1953 500a model is the updated -by Mr.Smith as well- model with a different power transformer (stronger), slightly higher voltage and a different and more stabile rectifier tube 5UAG instead of 5V4G. Otherwise both amps are similar. This is the best Radio Craftsmen ever! The 8 or 16Ohm Output transformers ( liscened and made by Western Electric ) are similar on either 500 and 500A RC-parts #19S014.

''The Radio Craftsmen C500/500A Williamson Triode is a subtly refined Williamson triode amplifier. Using a pair of Mullard KT66 output tubes, 15 watts are available with an ultra-wideband response of +/- 1dB from 10Hz to 50kHz. Tube rectification, octal-based 6SN7 tubes for front end/driver, and high quality transformers are utilized in this classic implementation of the Williamson amplifier circuit.

Radio Craftsmen was founded in Chicago in 1947, around the same the time as McIntosh, Fisher, Scott, and Harman Kardon. The C500A was designed in 1953 by Sid Smith, the same Sid Smith that went to work for Marantz in 1954 to design their famous tube amps, preamps, tuners, and crossovers. Even by today’s standards, the C500 is clear and sweet with superb musical performance. And the description of its performance in the original brochure reads like something you would find for a modern amplifier.''

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