Diesis Audio Caput Mundi
Diesis Audio Caput Mundi
Posted On
12.05.2021Last Update On
Original Description is in
Turkish, other language texts are translations and can contain errors.
I am selling my speaker, which was a turning point in my 20-year audiophile life, for an upgrade in the same direction.
My communication preference via Whatsapp message: +90 533 382 63 73
List price: 58,000 euros.
Ich verkaufe meinen Lautsprecher, der ein Wendepunkt in meinem 20-jährigen audiophilen Leben war, für ein Upgrade in die gleiche Richtung.
Meine Kommunikationspräferenz per Whatsapp-Nachricht: +90 533 382 63 73
Listenpreis: 58.000 Euro.
20 yıllık odyofil hayatımda dönüm noktası olan hoparlörümü yine aynı yönde upgrade için satıyorum.
Whatsapp mesajı ile iletişim tercihim: +90 533 382 63 73
Liste fiyatı: 58.000 Euro.