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Home>Tower Speakers>Snell Acoustics>
Snell C Speakers VGC
Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC
Posted On 18.04.2020
Last Update On 18.04.2020 Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC
Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC Snell Acoustics C Speakers VGC
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Snell C Speakers VGC




25.00 KGS

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Lovely condition for age, and good working order. New foam surrounds fitted to the bass drivers.

The Snell Type C/i loudspeaker, though very similar in concept to the company's flagship speaker, the Type A/III, is less than half its price and considerably smaller. Both systems were designed to have a flat early-arrival frequency response and a flat power response.

The first sounds to arrive at a listener's ears-normally the direct sound from the speaker's drivers and the first reflections from the floor-provide the localization information that is basic to stereo reproduction. A speaker's power response, on the other hand, is the total sound energy from the speaker, at each frequency, that reaches the listener. It includes a near-infinite number of reflections from every room-boundary surface, all of which arrive later than the direct sound. This later-arrival component of the sound contributes to the overall tonal balance and adds the sense of space and ambience that are so necessary for realistic sound.

The Snell Type C/i is manufactured with heavy internal wiring, polypropylene capacitors, and air-core inductors. Another Snell feature is the close matching of drivers and crossover components. The crossover components are trimmed by hand to match the characteristics of the drivers with which they will be used, so that each speaker system made matches the response of a reference speaker within 0.5 dB over its operating frequency range.

The Type C/i is a floor-standing, three-way speaker system whose 10-inch long-throw acoustic-suspension woofer has a 54-ounce magnet and a mass-loaded cone. The first crossover, at 275 Hz, is to a 4-inch midrange cone driver. At 3,500 Hz there is a second crossover to a %-inch dome tweeter. The rated system impedance is 4 ohms.

The woofer is located near the bottom of the front panel, with the midrange and high-frequency drivers close to each other and horizontally aligned on a backward-sloping upper panel (the drivers are aimed slightly upward to minimize floor reflections). The left and right speakers are constructed as mirror-image pairs, with the tweeter to the outside of the midrange driver.

A second 3/4-inch dome tweeter, mounted on the rear panel of the cabinet, serves as a "supertweeter" to reinforce the response above 15,000 Hz. It contributes nothing to the direct, or first-arrival, sound of the speaker.

The input binding posts of the Snell Type C/i are recessed into the rear of the cabinet. There are two pairs of binding posts, normally connected by wire jumpers. Separating them provides access, through the crossover sections, to the woofer and midrange/treble drivers. This arrangement simplifies bi-amplification, with or without an external electronic crossover (such as Snell's Model EC-2). It also makes possible "bi-wiring" (running separate cables from the low-and high-frequency sections of the speaker to the amplifier), which is thought by some to improve sound quality.

The Snell Type C/i's cabinet, which is handsomely finished in hand-rubbed, matched oak or walnut wood veneers, measures 44 inches high, 14 inches wide, and 12-3/4 inches deep. Each speaker weighs 80 pounds. The chocolate-colored grille cloth is retained by Velcro strips around its edges and is easily removable. 

We placed the speakers about 2 feet from the front wall and 5 feet from the side walls of the room. Their combined, averaged room response was very flat from 500 to 20,000 Hz, varying about ±2.5 dB over that range. The close-miked woofer response was flat within ± 1 dB from 45 to 200 Hz, falling to - 6 dB at 26 Hz.

Splicing the woofer curve to the room curve revealed a hole of about 3 or 4 dB centered at 300 Hz. The same effect was visible in a response curve Snell ran on our test speakers using the same techniques. Our quasi-anechoic FFT frequency-response measurements, at a 1-meter distance from the speaker, could not reveal this hole because of their limited low-frequency resolution. At higher frequencies, however, the FFT response was generally similar to the room-response curves.

The excellent phase linearity of the Type C/i system was evidenced by its group-delay variation of only ±0.2 millisecond from 1,000 to 20,000 Hz. The minimum impedance of the system was about 3.8 ohms at 250 Hz, with its maximum of 25 ohms occurring at 28 Hz. It averaged 6 to 8 ohms over most of the audio range above 300 Hz.

The speaker's sensitivity measured 83 dB sound-pressure level (SPL) at 1 meter with an input of 2.83 volts of pink noise. At a constant input voltage of 6.3 volts, corresponding to a 90-dB SPL, the woofer's distortion was less than 0.5 percent from 100 Hz down to 55 Hz, rising to 6.4 percent at 20 Hz.

Peak-power tests showed that the Snell Type C/i has an enormous power-handling ability. Our amplifier clipped before the speaker's output distorted significantly, at inputs of 655 watts at 100 Hz (into 5.5 ohms), 1,230 watts at 1,000 Hz (5.6 ohms), and 810 watts at 10,000 Hz (8.5 ohms).


The Snell Type C/i sounded very much the way its response measurements suggested-smooth, quite uncolored, and with an obviously extended frequency response at both ends of the audio range. Its sound quality was completely comparable with that of other speakers of the same price or higher. It appeared to impart an enhanced sense of ambience, or depth, to the sound when compared with conventional forward-facing systems. In part, the enhanced depth may have been an effect of the rear supertweeter. Whatever the explanation, it helped make this a very pleasant and listenable speaker.

The Type C/i's midrange and tweeter are approximately at ear level for seated listeners, but their upward slant makes the system's sound essentially independent of listening height. The 300-Hz hole in the measured response was not evident in listening, except in comparison with other speakers that (more typically) have a slightly elevated output in that range. Since any speaker's response at this frequency is affected considerably by room resonances, it is impossible to make a real assessment of the significance, if any, of this anomaly. Our impression is that it is no more than a minor response aberration of the sort that is present in the output of any speaker, usually to a much greater degree.

The Snell C/i is a fine speaker, very competitive in its price range. It has exceptional dispersion and overall response flatness, as well as a notably extended bass, with some very low distortion readings in the range below 100 Hz. And it looks as good as it sounds!

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