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Omicron Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer
Omicron Group Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer
71 views last month, 126 views this month
Posted On 16.04.2024
Last Update On 16.04.2024 Omicron Group Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer
Omicron Group Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer Omicron Group Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer Omicron Group Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer Omicron Group Tesla highend audio Cable stabilizer
Description Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschSpanishTurkish One Omicron Tesla high end audio Cable stabilizer in a fantastic condition. Tesla is a cable holder that allows energy dissipation and regulate a magnetic flux in order to optimize electric current calibration on any cable. Tesla has the property of being able to regulate this magnetic flux in order to optimize calibration of the electric current on an audio system. In consideration of the fact that each audio system has completely different circulating currents both for the use of different electronics, connection cables of various types which have different characteristics in the transport of electric current. Sound becomes incredibly wider, sweeter and incredibly realistic. Sound stage takes on a visual reality projected in 3D like a holographic projection. Can be used on every cable of the Hi-Fi system, including USB cables. Retail price is 2.400 euro. The original wooden box is included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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