Wilson Audio CUB 1
Wilson Audio CUB 1
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6.02.2024Last Update On
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A pair of high-end compact speakers from Wilson Audio. The CUB 1 is really chiseled out of stone in terms of workmanship and feel. The fine selection of materials comes largely from the "Grand Slam" reference model of the time. The CUB 1 weighs almost 40kg and is equipped exclusively with Focal and Seas chassis. In terms of sound, it's a typical Wilson, a large stage with great depth gradation and that certain something in the sound.
Visually well preserved with minor signs of wear, technically in perfect condition.
Freshly measured and checked by the loudspeaker specialists Tuned Systems!
Further information:
Two-way, reflex-loaded loudspeaker. Drive-units: 1" inverted metal-dome tweeter, two 6.5" treated-paper cone woofers. Crossover frequency: 1.8kHz. Frequency response: 50Hz–25kHz, ±3dB; 55Hz–22kHz, ±1.5dB. Sensitivity: 94dB/W/m. Nominal/Minimum Impedance: 4 ohms/2.8 ohms at 400Hz. Recommended minimum amplifier power: 7W.
Dimensions: 22" H by 10" W by 22" D (to nearest inch, including crossover cups). Weight: 75 lbs each.
Finishes: black laminate, standard; painted, add $400; wood veneer, add $640.
Ein Paar Highend Kompaktlautsprecher von Wilson Audio. Die CUB 1 ist, was die Verarbeitung und Haptik betrifft wirklich wie aus Stein gemeißelt. Die feine Auswahl der Materialien stammt zum Großteil aus dem damaligen Referenz-Model "Grand Slam". Die CUB 1 wiegt nahezu 40kg und ist ausschließlich mit Focal und Seas Chassis bestückt. Klanglich eine typische Wilson, große Bühne mit toller Tiefenstaffelung und dem gewissen Etwas im Klanggeschehen.
Optisch gut erhalten mit kleineren Gebrauchsspuren, technisch im einwandfreiem Zustand.
Frisch durchgemessen und gecheckt von den Lautsprecher - Spezialisten Tuned Systems!
Weiterführende Informationen:
Two-way, reflex-loaded loudspeaker. Drive-units: 1" inverted metal-dome tweeter, two 6.5" treated-paper cone woofers. Crossover frequency: 1.8kHz. Frequency response: 50Hz–25kHz, ±3dB; 55Hz–22kHz, ±1.5dB. Sensitivity: 94dB/W/m. Nominal/Minimum Impedance: 4 ohms/2.8 ohms at 400Hz. Recommended minimum amplifier power: 7W.
Dimensions: 22" H by 10" W by 22" D (to nearest inch, including crossover cups). Weight: 75 lbs each.
Finishes: black laminate, standard; painted, add $400; wood veneer, add $640.
Un par de altavoces compactos de gama alta de Wilson Audio. El CUB 1 está realmente cincelado en piedra en términos de mano de obra y tacto. La fina selección de materiales proviene en gran medida del modelo de referencia "Grand Slam" de la época. El CUB 1 pesa casi 40 kg y está equipado exclusivamente con chasis Focal y Seas. En términos de sonido, es un Wilson típico, un gran escenario con una gran gradación de profundidad y ese algo en el sonido.
Visualmente bien conservado con pequeños signos de desgaste, técnicamente en perfecto estado.
¡Recién medido y comprobado por los especialistas en altavoces Tuned Systems!
Más información:
Altavoz de dos vías con carga réflex. Unidades de accionamiento: tweeter de cúpula metálica invertida de 1", dos woofers de cono de papel tratado de 6,5". Frecuencia de cruce: 1,8 kHz. Respuesta de frecuencia: 50 Hz–25 kHz, ±3 dB; De 55 Hz a 22 kHz, ±1,5 dB. Sensibilidad: 94 dB/W/m. Impedancia nominal/mínima: 4 ohmios/2,8 ohmios a 400 Hz. Potencia mínima recomendada del amplificador: 7W.
Dimensiones: 22" de alto por 10" de ancho por 22" de profundidad (a la pulgada más cercana, incluidas las copas cruzadas). Peso: 75 libras cada uno.
Acabados: laminado negro, estándar; pintado, agregar $400; chapa de madera, agregar $640.
Wilson Audio'dan bir çift üst düzey kompakt hoparlör. CUB 1, işçilik ve his açısından gerçekten taştan yontulmuştur. İnce malzeme seçimi büyük ölçüde zamanın "Grand Slam" referans modelinden geliyor. CUB 1 yaklaşık 40 kg ağırlığındadır ve yalnızca Focal ve Seas şasisi ile donatılmıştır. Ses açısından, tipik bir Wilson, büyük derinlik geçişine sahip büyük bir sahne ve seste belirli bir şey.
Teknik olarak mükemmel durumda, küçük aşınma belirtileri ile görsel olarak iyi korunmuş.
Hoparlör uzmanları Tuned Systems tarafından yeni ölçüldü ve kontrol edildi!
Daha fazla bilgi:
İki yönlü, refleks yüklü hoparlör. Tahrik üniteleri: 1" ters çevrilmiş metal kubbeli tweeter, iki adet 6,5" işlenmiş kağıt koni woofer. Geçiş frekansı: 1.8kHz. Frekans yanıtı: 50Hz–25kHz, ±3dB; 55Hz–22kHz, ±1,5 dB. Hassasiyet: 94dB/W/m. Nominal/Minimum Empedans: 400Hz'de 4 ohm/2,8 ohm. Önerilen minimum amplifikatör gücü: 7W.
Boyutlar: 22" Y x 10" G x 22" D (çapraz kaplar dahil en yakın inç'e kadar). Ağırlık: Her biri 75 lbs.
Yüzeyler: siyah laminat, standart; boyalı, 400 $ ekleyin; ahşap kaplama, 640 $ ekleyin.