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SOtM dCBL-CAT7 RJ45 Ethernet cable
Datum des Eintrags 13.01.2025
Letztes Update 13.01.2025 SOtM dCBL-CAT7
Erläuterung Ursprüngliche Beschreibung Englisch, anderssprachige Texte sind Übersetzungen und können Fehler enthalten. EnglischDeutschSpanischTürkisch I am selling this excellent & reknowned network cable, in standard length of 1.5 meters.

This cable has the particularity of integrating a network filter, which is not quite the same as the Iso cat6, which I also sell, but which is rather compatible with the latter in order to raise the sound reproduction by another notch. It gives in particular excellent results between the NAS and the network switch, even if it is of course not reserved for this placement.

In pristine condition, in its original box.


Here is a short description that sums up the cable well:

"This is a high-end audio network cable specially designed for high-end audio networks and has excellent sound characteristics. The new Filter Block, which eliminates the broadband digital noise from the router or NAS that interferes with the audio signals, is designed to remarkably improve the tonal balance, one of the most important elements to convey the musical feeling, and superbly express the dynamic sound characteristics as well as the nuances specific to the musician, very sophisticated and delicate. If you want to improve the sound quality of your network audio systems or if you want to enjoy a new change in sound, or if you want to acquire the truly advanced sound of high-end audio systems, the SOTM dCBL-CAT7 cable will certainly provide you with a clearer improvement than you thought possible."


Some comments from the net :

"The CAT7 made a huge difference in the melody and construction of this song. The intro comes to life with all its intricate sounds.""Frankly, the variance in performance is quite high. The CAT7 provides:

A much wider soundstage, much more air around all instruments and singers.Really nice slap and slam on the drums. Visceral.Much better separation and layering of players.Much more transparent. Definitely brighter." "…his system was instantly elevated into another league. We heard significantly more textural cues, a broader soundstage (and for the first time not at the expense of losing warmth), and an amazingly lush and balanced tonality. The music opens up and we started to get much better sound depth in all the recordings. It really maximized the quality of all our tracks. Low-end slam and definition was abundant and detailed, it was just goosebumps galore.""The SOtM dCBL-CAT7 gives you a much more vibrant and textured presentation. It’s expansive, vivid, visceral, and gives each component of the song its own body which is its greatest strength. It unravels the complexity of all recordings while still maintaining surreal musicality and balance."


Asking price : 450€, including shipping to Europe.

Payment by paypal to a friend or IBAN bk transfer, paypal normal +4% to cover fees.

Guillaume Ubbelohde Mitgliedschaftsdatum January 2025
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Preis: -
Größe   20   cm
Breite 10 cm
Höhe 5 cm
Gewicht 1 kg
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Dhuy - Belgium

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