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Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre Fecha del anuncio 6.03.2023
Última actualización 6.03.2023 Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre
Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray highend digital audio interconnect RCA 1,0 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánTurco One Chord Company Sarum T Super Aray high end digital audio interconnect cable in a fantastic condition. Chord Sarum T is the result of 20 years of experience in the field of research, experimentation and design of interconnects and speaker cable. Chord knows better than anyone what critical elements are if you bring an audio signal from A to B, and that without loss of quality. The conductor of Sarum T is made of a single solid core which has been completely polished, so all the minimal irregularities have been removed. The result is a perfect transmission of the signal. Sarum T also has a high-quality shielding and PTFE insulation. The length is 1,0 metre and it has the original RCA connectors. Serial number b1586. Retail price is 2.650 euro. The original box and certificate card are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Contrado Audio Fecha de registro June 2019
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Precio: 1,499 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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