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VYDA Orion highend bi-wired audio speaker cable 2,5 metre VYDA Orion highend bi-wired audio speaker cable 2,5 metre Fecha del anuncio 6.03.2024
Última actualización 6.03.2024 VYDA Orion highend bi-wired audio speaker cable 2,5 metre
VYDA Orion highend bi-wired audio speaker cable 2,5 metre VYDA Orion highend bi-wired audio speaker cable 2,5 metre VYDA Orion highend bi-wired audio speaker cable 2,5 metre
Descripción Descripción original Inglés, Otras traducciones de idiomas son traducciones y pueden contener errores. InglésAlemánEspañolTurco One pair of VYDA Orion high end audio speaker cables in a very good condition. Orion elevates the overall system performance to extraordinary high levels. It reveals layers of information that were previously buried deep in the recordings and do it so with extreme sonic elegance. As all state of the art components, Orion is capable of extracting the last ounce of information while remaining completely calm, neutral and utterly smooth. They are the special, double run version for use as single wired, bi-wired and/or bi-amping (separate cables for low/mid and for mid/high). The length is 2,5 metre and they have the original spade connectors. Retail price is 20.795 euro. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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Precio: 8,499 EUR Cambios de precio >
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Overijssel - Netherlands

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