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Siltech Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre Posted On 23.02.2024
Last Update On 23.02.2024 Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre
Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre Siltech Cables Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature highend audio interconnects XLR 1,5 metre
Description Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors. EnglishDeutschSpanishTurkish One of the best interconnects in the world, a pair of Siltech Empress Double Crown G7 Royal Signature high end full silver-gold audio interconnect cables in a fantastic condition (originally distributed by Dream Audio, the Siltech distributor in Slovakia). Empress Double Crown sports Siltech’s very best conductors, dielectric and shielding to create one of the most transparent audio cables available. The conductors Empress Crown are unique one-crystal flat ultra purity silver ribbons. From one side of the cable to the other, there is not crystal boundary which means audio distortion is essentially zero. Breathtakingly accurate and musically involving, the Royal Signature Series are the best cables that Siltech can make: in a world of uncertainty, history suggests that that makes them one of the best cables you can buy. The length is 1,5 metre and they have the original Siltech XLR connectors. Serial numbers are SG00628972 and SG00628973. Retail price is 25.175 euro. The original box and certificate card are included. Check our other listings for more interesting items. Free shipping worldwide!
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